Bailiwick Inn, web site, 4023 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA, 703-691-2266, odd hours, reservations mandatory (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [WaPo | City Paper | openlist | Citysearch | Gayot]
Believe it or not, this place is good, albeit not cheap. Most people don’t even know it is there.
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- Tyler Cowen's home page
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- The Complete TCED Guide (June 2019) (127-page PDF)
- Metro Trip PlannerCurrent Favorites Map
This Map of the Current Favorites is courtesy of Miles Watkins (opens in new window)
Current Favorites
The restaurant here is called Rue 123 now, and it has most of the staff from Le Tire Bouchon, I think. Bailiwick Inn is gone; they are converting the rooms to office spaces.