Eerkin’s Uighur Cuisine, web site, 4008 University Drive, Fairfax, VA, 703-352-1121 (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [Ylp]
More Uighur food in Fairfax! Of the area’s Uighur restaurants, this one is the least mom and pop, the one you could take a job interview candidate to. As you might expect, it has the best ingredients of the local selection of Uighur restaurants, but is the weakest on the hot and spicy dimension. But since a lot of Uighur food is not intended to be so scorching, that can be quite a good trade-off. I very much recommend this place, while stressing it can and should coexist with Kiroran and the area’s other Uighur restaurants in your regular repertoire.
Thank you for everything that you do, you have inspired me to take up a monthly ethnic dining tradition