Indique Heights, web site, 2 Wisconsin Circle, Chevy Chase, MD, 301-656-4822 (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [Washingtonian | WaPo | MenuPages | City Paper | Gayot]
From the people who brought you Indique. I used to love Indique, but I fear the brand is being diluted. This one is pretty good, and certainly worth trying. The Fried Syrian Lamb is a very good dish or appetizer, especially if you don’t mind strong cardamom. But I just don’t feel the same excitement here as I did at Indique when it opened. The restaurant is defined by small plates, which is a good sign. I am told you should try the shallot potatoes. And it is a very nice place to sit, and the best restaurant in its immediate area. For me it is lacking that excitement factor, though I liked what I had.
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