Sushi Capitol, web site, 325 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, DC 202-627-0325 (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [Zagat | WaPo | Washingtonian | TripAdvisor | Ylp | Don Rockwell]
If government is so good, then why aren’t there more excellent restaurants on Capitol Hill? A good question, and now for the first time in my entire life I have found one. This little gem is one of the two or three best sushi places in town and it does everything very well, including service. Get the Omikase, for only $50, a bargain by the standards of quality sushi. Definitely recommended, but you do need to book in advance.
I’m having trouble identifying your choices for the other two. Clearly Saba is misnamed, not having any raw mackerel on its otherwise Yemeni menu…
Umm…Prof. Cowen:
I’m a former Japanese translator and lived in Japan 3 years and am married to a Japanese.
And it’s not O-MI-kase. It’s O-MA-kase.
Comes from the Japanese verb “makaseru” meaning along the lines of “to leave it to someone to serve or guide you”. In this case, leaving your meal up to the chef’s choice and discretion.
I hate to correct the spelling of a highly esteemed Econ prof, but…I just couldn’t let this one slide.
For someone as highly educated as you to make that statement conflating the inherent quality of government with restaurant quality is pathetic. I know you are a right wing zealtot, but this is pretty sad. I like your food articles anyhow but your constant droning on about the superiority of the so called free market (a bunch of non existent lies) maybe can be left out of your food discussions.