Bombay Tandoor, web site, 8603 Westwood Center Drive, Vienna, VA, 703-734-2202. Near the auto dealerships but off Rt. 7, impossible to spot from the street, call for exact directions, not hard to get to. (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [Washingtonian | WaPo | City Paper | openlist | Yelp | Gayot]
An attempt to create an upscale Indian place for the nouveau richesse Indians who work in the software firms out near Dulles. Better than average. I like the tandoori and spinach best. For those who don’t want the mom and pop atmosphere, but still want tasty and authentic food. Recommended.
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tcowen -at-
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tcedgpics -at-
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- The Complete TCED Guide (June 2019) (127-page PDF)
- Metro Trip PlannerCurrent Favorites Map
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