Caribbean Sea Seafood Restaurant, 6869 New Hampshire Avenue, Takoma Park, MD, 301-891-3497, closed Mondays. It is hard to see from New Hampshire but it is there, if you are coming from Univ. Blvd. it is on the left just a bit past East-West Highway, tucked away in a strip mall, removed from the street. (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [Washingtonian | Yelp]
Lots of lobster, lots of conch, lots of shrimp and fish. This is neither a subtle restaurant nor a restaurant with many different tastes and flavors. But their best flavors are very good indeed. Their devil sauce is one of the best spicy sauces around. It’s not just hot it has real oomph in the soul. Good rice too. This is a very specialized restaurant but also a very good restaurant. High marks for atmosphere too, although note that the lobster is not cheap.
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- The Complete TCED Guide (June 2019) (127-page PDF)
- Metro Trip PlannerCurrent Favorites Map
This Map of the Current Favorites is courtesy of Miles Watkins (opens in new window)
Current Favorites
Wow! I can’t believe I hadn’t found you before. I’m an exiled NYer living in Fairfax near GMU and have spent the past 17 years looking for good places to eat that aren’t fast food or chains (two things Brooklyn born folks hate almost as much as Walter O’Malley.
I am currently working my way thru the menu at Four Sisters new Strawberry Lane location.
Recently, I started an A to Z tour of ethnic restaurants for a friend who has led a sheltered life.And that’s how I found YOU!