Lebanese Butcher and Restaurant

Lebanese Butcher and Restaurant, 109 East Annandale Rd. at Annandale and Rt.29, Falls Church, VA, 703-241-2012, usually open (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [Falls Church News-Press | City Paper]

Superb mom and pop Lebanese place, maybe the best Lebanese place up and running right now. Everything here tastes like real food, unlike so much of what you eat in this country. Perhaps the Lamb Ouzi is best.

Updated September 2011: See Mount of Lebanon

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4 Responses to Lebanese Butcher and Restaurant

  1. Hobnobblog says:

    This Week in DC Reviews – July 7, 2006

    This Week in DC Reviews is a roundup of reviews of DC-area restaurants, with quick links to DC-area restaurant reviews and mentions from the previous seven days in blogs, magazines, and newspapers. To see a list of upcoming food events…

  2. Frontis Wiggins says:

    This place is wonderful, although the service can be a little slow. The items in the grocery (kabis and tabouleh) are very good as well. The lamb is outstanding.

  3. Bob says:

    This place had a fire, closed, moved across the street. But the restaurant has not reopened. Just the butcher shop, but I was not inside. Not clear if the restaurant will reopen. Maybe.

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