Peking Gourmet Inn, web site, 6029 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA, 703-671-8088 [Washingtonian | WaPo | City Paper | food-plan | openlist | Citysearch | Gayot]
An old hang-out for conservative Republicans, like George Bush Sr. and Norman Schwarzkopf. Excellent Peking duck, no advance notice required. The other dishes vary greatly, but if they use lots of garlic, or garlic sprouts, they are probably excellent. I love the Peking Chicken Wings and the leek dumplings. It often pays to go for the fatty and disgusting here, rather than the light and appetizing. Just keep in mind that many dishes here are mediocre. This is an old-style Chinese restaurant, in the sense that the help is surly and rude. But the food does come in time, which is the important thing.
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I like the Duck (it’s good. I was told by one of the hostesses that their duck turnover is over a thousand a week!!), Peking Wings and the Peking Lamb at this restaurant. The other dishes are, in my opinion, only as good as any other neighborhood chinese restaurant.