Siena’s Pizzeria, 11417 Woodglen Drive, Rockville, MD, 301-770-7474 (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [WaPo | openlist | Yelp | Gayot (says closed, but it was open as of 4/30/06)]
Unlikely that I will get here soon, since I don’t trust pizza in this area, plus I have no reason to seek out a kosher version of it.
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Rainbow, 312 E. Diamond Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD, 301-947-0099, open daily 11-9 (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [City Paper | food-plan | openlist | Yelp | Gayot] I don’t usually cover the dining paradise that we call Gaithersburg,…
The only kosher Mexican in the area, and it is pretty good. Also, the salmon caesar salad is great.