Kinkead’s, web site, 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 202-296-7700 (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [Washingtonian | WaPo | City Paper | food-plan | Don Rockwell | openlist | Yelp | Gayot]
For seafood, formerly the best bet in town, and maybe was the best place period, but has become unpredictable, maybe because Kinkead is putting his time into his new place in Virginia (Bob Kinkead’s Colvin Run Tavern).
Let me know what places
you recommend:
tcowen -at-
Photos to:
tcedgpics -at-
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-- Welcome
-- General Remarks
-- Six Rules for Dining Out
- Tyler Cowen's home page
- Marginal Revolution
- The Complete TCED Guide (June 2019) (127-page PDF)
- Metro Trip PlannerCurrent Favorites Map
This Map of the Current Favorites is courtesy of Miles Watkins (opens in new window)
Current Favorites
Colvin Run Tavern
Bob Kinkead’s Colvin Run Tavern, web site, 8045 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA, at Tysons, Rt.7, right behind Tiffany’s, in the same mall (Fairfax Square) with Morton’s and Gucci, 703-356-9500 (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [Washingtonian | Th…