Los Tios Grill, web site, 2615 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA, 703-299-9290, just down Mount Vernon Avenue, from Taqueria Poblano, across from the Del Ray Artisans. (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [City Paper | Don Rockwell]
A credible-sounding reader says this is very good. It is run by Salvadoreans, but I would not rule out a visit on that basis. That is what culinary globalization is all about, no?
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tcowen -at- gmu.edu
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tcedgpics -at- gmail.com
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Current Favorites
Chirilagua, a neighborhood in Alexandria/Arlandria, at Mount Vernon Avenue and West Glebe Road. Did you know that 350,000 Salvadoreans live in this area? I’ve decided that when it comes to El Salvadorean restaurants, there is no point in simply listi…
If you have’t tried Los Tios, you should. Their Tex-Mex is the best I have had in the Washington DC area in the 25 years that I’ve lived here. The seasonings they use are almost addictive. And, if you’re so inclined…try any of the margarita’s. You’ll come back for more…I sure have.
I agree with previous poster that Los Tios is great. However, I would classify it more as Mexican than Tex-Mex. Kudos to the owners, particularly since they are Salvadorian. A few Salvadorian items on the menu are worth the try. Employees are friendly without being overbearing.
Definitely worth a visit. One of the better tex-mex joints in the area and the service is very good.