Miu Kee, Rt. 50, just east of Annnandale Road, 6653 Arlington Blvd., Falls Church, VA, 703-237-8884 [Washingtonian | City Paper | openlist | Citysearch]
Real Chinese food, for Chinese. Family atmosphere, homey, comfortable. I like the soy chicken on rice, and the pork on chowfoon, very soggy but yummy. Not everything here is great, but none of it is bad, and the wise orderer can make a great meal. Cheaper than most, too.
Let me know what places
you recommend:
tcowen -at- gmu.edu
Photos to:
tcedgpics -at- gmail.com
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-- Welcome
-- General Remarks
-- Six Rules for Dining Out
- Tyler Cowen's home page
- Marginal Revolution
- The Complete TCED Guide (June 2019) (127-page PDF)
- Metro Trip PlannerCurrent Favorites Map
This Map of the Current Favorites is courtesy of Miles Watkins (opens in new window)
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