Picking a restaurant may be an art form, but one economist is trying to apply theoretical economic principles to make the process of selecting your next meal out worthwhile.
Professor Tyler Cowen suggests that diners avoid hyped-up eateries or places that focus too much attention on the atmosphere rather than the food.
The most adventurous eats come from places with the lowest overhead, and considering food trucks have the fewest staff and no permanent address, they certainly have the most incentive to try out new dishes without taking a capital hit.
If you are going to stick it out with the fancy, well-established restaurants instead, one move to make sure that you are getting a plate of their best talent is to order the lesser-known dishes.
“Avoid beautiful women and popular locations: How to get the most out of your restaurant selections by taking counter-intuitive tips,” by Meghan Keneally, Mail Online, April 12, 2012