Cairo Cafe and Restaurant, 6244-H Little River Turnpike, Alexandria, VA, 703-750-3551 (Metro Trip Planner – opens in new window) [Yelp]
Genuinely good Egyptian food, cooked for area Muslims, if not always Egyptians. The place to go if you wish to see people, including women, smoking hookahs (Middle Eastern water pipe, with your preferential flavored tobacco). Nineteen flavors of hookah, including “Cola.” Small menu, authentic, and tasty. Worth a visit. They have a non-smoking section as well.
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-- Welcome
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-- Six Rules for Dining Out
- Tyler Cowen's home page
- Marginal Revolution
- The Complete TCED Guide (June 2019) (127-page PDF)
- Metro Trip PlannerCurrent Favorites Map
This Map of the Current Favorites is courtesy of Miles Watkins (opens in new window)
Current Favorites
i started going to this place when i was 16 and im now 22. i never felt uncomfortable even when walking alone looking for friends. there was always tons of white kids especially on the weekends. they were open until 4am weekdays and 6am weekends so once i graduated high school i was there even on weekdays until close. they were nice to us, even let us play bob marley cds one time.