Colin M. MacLachlan, in his splendid Imperialism and the Origins of Mexican Culture, reports:
1. Corn gruel and tamales were reinforced with fish, seeds of various kinds, fruit, and honey.
2. Beans were supplemented with meat from iguanas, armadillos, and rabbits.
3. The calcium content of corn was (and still is) increased by alkaline cooking with lime (“nixtamalization,” duh).
4. “Pulque” has “substantial food value,” “whether fermented or fresh.”
5. Dried red maguey worms have 71 percent protein.
6. Axayacatl (a species of aquatic insect sometimes called “water boatmen“) have 68.7% protein.
7. Mesquite pods and seeds have high caloric value.
8. “Tecuitlatl (spirulina), the green scum collected from lakes with high saltwater content, was sold in the market to be eaten with chilies and tomatoes and has been shown to be a modern wonder food.”
As you can see, the world of food really could have evolved along very different lines.
I also enjoyed this line from the book:
The fundamental belief that the gods sacrificed themselves to create the Earth and continued to do so to sustain it locked the gods and humans into a circular dependency — a relationship characterized by fearful respect coupled with regulated violence.
Definitely recommended, and oh yes that reminds me, here is the livestream for my chat later today with Peter Thiel.
Originally posted on Marginal Revolution – click to see comments and suggestions.