Tag Archives: beautiful women

Where and how to eat in Cape Town, South Africa

Don’t laugh, but basically you want to eat in the restaurants with the beautiful women. And with the views of the waterfront. You may recall those are usually the opposite of the correct recommendations. But in Cape Town, there is … Continue reading

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“Why isn’t your way of eating and dining more popular?”

That is a request from an MR reader. Getting past the “because I am weird” answer, I will offer a few observations: 1. I think my view, or broadly speaking some version of it, is in fact pretty popular, though … Continue reading

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If you could know only one thing about a city’s food scene…

No, it is not knowledge of the city’s best dish, nor is it access to all the Yelp reviews, or even an understanding of how the spices in that cuisine work together. I have a simple nomination. If you could … Continue reading

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Is there a case against small plates on restaurant menus?

That is the current rage in the DC dining scene, namely that you can more easily order lots of “small plates” rather than a big plate with steak and spinach. Neil Irwin makes the case against that practice here, Matt … Continue reading

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Don’t eat there (further lessons in adverse selection)

The restaurant Spoleto told every female customer she didn’t have to pay for her meal as long as she could affirmatively answer the question, “Are you beautiful?” It is a Brazilian fast food chain, so just stop in for a … Continue reading

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“Getting a good meal in D.C. requires some ruthless economics”

This piece is by me, in The Washington Post. Here is one bit: The key is to hit these restaurants in the “sweet spot” of their cycle of rise and fall. At any point in time Washington probably has five … Continue reading

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